Mint Valley Logo


Longview, WA, USA



You can submit your student's absence by email or through the form on the right.

When submitting your child’s absence by email, please provide the following information for the absence to be properly:

  1. Your child’s name
  2. Your child’s teacher
  3. The date/dates of the absence
  4. The reason for the absence, such as illness, appointment, family emergency
  5. Your name and relationship to the child
  6. A phone number where you can be reached during school hours

Excuse your student's absence by email


Pre-Planned Absence Form

A pre-planned absence form must be completed in advance of an expected absence and will support effective communication between the school and home regarding student attendance.  The completed form must be turned into the school office three days prior to the absence.

Pre-Planned Absence Form - Downloadable/Form Fillable 

Absence Form


If your student is unable to attend school then please fill out the following questions.
Student's Namerequired
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
Is your student late or absent?required
Will your student need a hot lunch?required
Reason for Absencerequired
Symptoms if Sickrequired
Your Namerequired
First Name
Last Name